Don't miss our holiday offer - Financial Aid Program! (Limited Time Offer).


           Providing LVN and RN nurse refresher programs and courses online and locally in-person
           Texas, California, Alaska and other states.

Starting Phlebotomy Course: Next co-hort Group starts Bi-Monthly. Contact us for more info.
Starting Phlebotomy Course: Next co-hort Group starts Bi-Monthly. Contact us for more info.


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Welcome to PHES Online

Professional Healthcare Education Service, Inc.

“Professional Healthcare Education Service, Inc.(PHES) focuses on the educational needs of healthcare professionals such as nurses, case managers and social workers.”

PHES provides for the specific healthcare education needs of businesses and organizations. Our clients are RNs and LVNs lacking Nurse Refresher/Re-entry training to return to active practice or re-activate their nursing license.

Our classroom training is honed for nurses who need to refresh their license or in the market of remediation courses due to Board of Nursing stipulations and peer review requirements. We provide  experienced, caring instructors and an adult learning environment. Nursing homes and hospitals needing Continuing Education or competency skill validation also benefit from our course training. No matter the need, PHES provides a full spectrum of services to improve your knowledge in the field.

Questions & Answers

V. Yvette Cheeks (MSN, RN)
Answering your questions with reference to nursing education classes provided by PHES Online.

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